What’s going on in our backyard


Recently residents of Weyba Downs were particularly affected by noise pollution from helicopter training exercises conducted over 3.5 days at the Noosa airport. Only strong northerly wind prevented a huge impact on Noosaville and Marcus Beach. Subsequently, it has been revealed in the local media that approval for the airport has lapsed, and that Noosa Council have issued a compliance notice for revegetation of illegally cleared forehsore and removal of potentially pollutant building waste used on the site. The owner is now taking Noosa Council to court over the notice. The Noosa Plan is currently under review. Is it time to lobby for closure of the airport? Is it a suitable use in 2018 or the future within an urban area and on the shores of natural asset such as Lake Weyba?


We all want faster internet. FACT – nbn published information stating that the quality of wireless signal is significantly affected by obstructions such as trees. FACT – our neighbours at Peregian Beach West, Noosaville, and most parts of Doonan all enjoy fixed line nbn service. FACT – Lake Weyba will forever be scarred by a 51 metre communications tower that could be ineffective. FACT – a Federal election is looming.

TIME to lobby our Federal member Lew O’Brien imploring him to advocate on behalf of his constituents that nbn reconsider their planned wireless service for Weyba Downs and replace it with a fixed line service to guarantee an acceptable internet speed. Weyba Downs has long suffered deplorable standards due to lack of maintenance and upgrade of infrastructure by Telstra.

Email Lew O’Brien here


Friends of Lake Weyba are considering participating in this scheme with a potential collection point to be set up in a non obstructive location at Weyba Downs. We will circulate more information shortly and will discuss at the AGM.

More information here


SCC issued a comprehensive Information Request in respect to this mega dam proposal.

Details here

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